Childhood Adventures
"Childhood Adventures," is a short experimental film short shot on my iPhone from that year, that was directed, edited, and created by me (Katia-Ricciarelli V. Reed) on the go. All the music in the film is also made and composed by me. The film itself was filmed in one day back in August 2019, where I released a few small clips on my Instagram, and facebook pages. I now finally completed the editing and am releasing the whole piece this June 11, 2023 day. In this short film, I share an adventure with my little niece Kaya, and nephew Aeros. I hope you enjoy. We had a lot of fun that day.
"Childhood Adventures," is a short experimental film short shot on my iPhone from that year, that was directed, edited, and created by me (Katia-Ricciarelli V. Reed) on the go. All the music in the film is also made and composed by me. The film itself was filmed in one day back in August 2019, where I released a few small clips on my Instagram, and facebook pages. I now finally completed the editing and am releasing the whole piece this June 11, 2023 day. In this short film, I share an adventure with my little niece Kaya, and nephew Aeros. I hope you enjoy. We had a lot of fun that day.