'ChildHooD AdvenTureS'
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Sweet Song of Sorrow
ARTIST / LIFE REFLECTION: October 15, 2023
🎼🎤My song titled, “Interlude” performed and composed created years ago by me, featuring my finished artwork started back in 2017 and completed 2021,
premiering today titled, “Sweet Song of Sorrow” 👩🏽🎨🎨
Life Reflection: 🤍✡️🕊️✝️🙏🏽
Israel is the land of my ancestors. It is the home of my people and someday we will return to it. My heart goes out to both sides. The loss of human life of all cultures and ages is a sad and sorrowful thing. This wicked bloodshed. Innocent babies, and children and people dying at the hands of selfish men who do not have God in their hearts. They profess him out of their lips and yet their actions show the demon inside. Only God reads the hearts of men. He sees their evil deeds. My prayers go up. The days are evil. We live in a society that glorifies evil and opposes God in every way. Even in the arts and entertainment fields…. Movies and tv shows reflect the decline in moral integrity. People with hate and vengeance in their hearts. The devil truly is deceiving the world but he ain’t deceiving me. I see things beyond the eye can see. I see them for what they are. -👑Katia
Ephesians 6:12
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
Sincerely, Katia
Multi Artist / Hybrid Artist
Medium: Traditional paper and pencil, ending with digital painted finishes using Wacom
🎼🎤My song titled, “Interlude” performed and composed created years ago by me, featuring my finished artwork started back in 2017 and completed 2021,
premiering today titled, “Sweet Song of Sorrow” 👩🏽🎨🎨
Life Reflection: 🤍✡️🕊️✝️🙏🏽
Israel is the land of my ancestors. It is the home of my people and someday we will return to it. My heart goes out to both sides. The loss of human life of all cultures and ages is a sad and sorrowful thing. This wicked bloodshed. Innocent babies, and children and people dying at the hands of selfish men who do not have God in their hearts. They profess him out of their lips and yet their actions show the demon inside. Only God reads the hearts of men. He sees their evil deeds. My prayers go up. The days are evil. We live in a society that glorifies evil and opposes God in every way. Even in the arts and entertainment fields…. Movies and tv shows reflect the decline in moral integrity. People with hate and vengeance in their hearts. The devil truly is deceiving the world but he ain’t deceiving me. I see things beyond the eye can see. I see them for what they are. -👑Katia
Ephesians 6:12
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
Sincerely, Katia
Multi Artist / Hybrid Artist
Medium: Traditional paper and pencil, ending with digital painted finishes using Wacom
Song Title: Interlude